September 18, 2009


Being an android ain't easy. Especially when you can see and feel the world around you go smooth and fine, while you creak about in tin-shells. Not a finger could move without a jerk, and mind you, I don't even have the pleasurable jerks despite so many of them.

The same work everyday, every week, week after week; And why so? 'Cause people liked my work. I mean, I am an android, can't possibly have much variation to my job, its monotonous and I've perfected it since I was born or rather made.

Feel like I am programmed, which I am, but still, answering cues, taking orders, doing chores is all I have in life. Don't even havve enough rejuvination time to charge myself up between two acts. Just me, rolling in and out, and watching the world enjoy at my expense. I need a break from these cues and orders, these chores and this work, this tin-shell apprel, these jerky moves.

But what can i possible do??!! It's been months like this now, since the day this wretched play was written and this android sketched. Since then, from curtain rise to curtain fall I am an android...... and beyond the curtain I am PROGRAMMED!


Viraj said...

Nothin artificial about it. Original. Gud combo of iq & eq der!

Arti Jalan said...

I guess most of us suffer with this problem,living life like a time-table.
And I myself have been thinking is there a way out?
Still searching the answer for the same.:)