September 17, 2009

Freedom - "Paid For"

It's been like this for days now, these overcast, grey skies, hazy climate and morose lights. Everytime I look through that window, day or night, cloudy or sunny, the same of train of thought runs through my mind and soul - My Daughter.

She loved looking endlessly out of that window, towards the sky. Day in and day out, all she did was, sit in the rusty, creaky chair and stare at the sky. But, she really had little choice than do that - barred from attending school, as good as jailed an the house, she had no friends, nor any siblings. Here, endless eye-wandering, looking at "free" birds fly, were her only means or quanta of hope. Suffering a punishment for someone else's ill deeds, being grounded and the confinement was getting her no where; nor doing any good to her nerves. That longing for freedom could be seen in the eyes; the ones I dared not meet for the fear of seeing a deserved hatred in them. There were moments when a cuckoo or a sparrow would fly by and she would smile genuinely with a twinkle in her eye. I longed to see her like that for long, but I wasn't the decision maker.

To keep her couped up in the house, for social stigma, was the ill-fated girl's fathers decision, my husband's decision.

Being a lady and of gentler heart than my husband, I could feel the pain of her physical chains owing to paralysis and the mental chains owing to her father's paranoia. When her pain became unimaginable and unbearable to me,
"I set her Free".
Precisely why I am in confinement of these grey mossy walls with a singular barred window.

"Cost of Freedom - Freedom


Viraj said...

..was a liberating read. Liked it really...tempted to open ur diary pages for more!! ;)

THE REBEL!!! said...

nice one

AppuApe said...

Thanks a lot!
Most of the diary pages shall be up soon.... erad 'em then!

@The Rebel
Glad to know you liked it.... Expect a critique from you also!