October 10, 2010

A shot at Haiku

Well, for starters it has been a very long time since I wrote Haiku. So one fine day I decided I should! That's the basic idea of it all... what follows are very disjointed and completely isolated, mutually exclusive expressions. Read on!

Held it with snug ease
Cold ceramic with warm tea.
That is my best friend.
*Inspiration - Tea, friend, warmth.
*Was listening to - Juno OST - "Anyone else but you"

Her hair turns grayer,
As I do too, yet for me,
Ne'er forgets prayer.
*Inspiration - Mother
*Was listening to - Grandma's wheezing

Metallic Swishes
Slits, hacks, sheds all in it's way.
Motherly Wishes
*Inspiration - Durga Puja, Kill Bill
*Was listening to - Kill Bill OST - "Flower of carnage"

A Dream Full of Nymphs
Always Just Pleasure, Never
The same as Just Love
*Inspiration - Greek Mythology (Iliad), Love and Lust
*Was listening to - "Adagio in C minor" by Yanni

It Ticked for many Years -
Unchangeably So, Yet it could not
Change the Change - The Time.
*Inspiration - Time and the dynamics
*Was listening to - Clock ticking