March 15, 2011

T.. P..

For once I’d write, about a place to dwell,
It is phonetically funny, so I might as well,
It seems American Indians lived in it,
It is just about a conical animal skin shell!

What sounds funny is it is called a Tepee,
If you plan to have one, have it on the lee,
For it most definitely is a single room,
Whether you use it to cook or to Pee,

Then again, from what I hear

It also is nice to have a warm cup of Tea
Not that in that space one can do much TP,
By TP I mean time pass, and I clarify
Because to Indians it may well mean "tea pi?"*

Aah, so many 'phoney' tricks, and yet some more to come…

For an inverted Tepee may well look like a Tee,
And its frankly is a space so Petty,
Every morn when the family files out of it,
The Tepee looks like a pod for many a Pea.

Now now, before you sigh in exasperation,

I know most after reading this bit about a Petty Tepee,
Would take a break for a leak, or as we say Pee,
But for those who find it more than mere TP,
Give those little Tepees a thought before you flee!

*("Chai piya?" - Again Pun Intended)

This on goes out to a very special Kid who got me thinking about this bit of wordplay! :)